What is customer segmentation? is an act of dividing a customer base an organization or business enterprise serve into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing.such as Age,Gender,Interest, and spending habit.
Customer segmentation is very important in business because it allows a business enterprise to specifically reach a customer with specific needs and services.in the long run,this benefits the business enterprise or the company because they are able to utilize their corporate resources more effectively and make better strategic marketing decisions.
Fully knowing the types of individuals you have to serve or offer service to.there will always be a preferential treatment among the customers you serve not Because you are biased but is based on the law of nature. A customer that offer more money and contract to your business enterprise tends to get a better attention and services that the latter.
For instance,Mr Alice Dangote the owner of Dangote Group of company and one of the biggest business entrepreneur in Africa has banks that serve him alone alongside some account managers that serve him,Why is That So?It is because he is more influential and has more capital to pump into businesses that are beneficial and profitable.Their is this saying that “Olowo laye mo” meaning “Only the influentials and rich that the world recognizes” that just the scenario in customer segmentation.
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Five(5) Types Of Customers And How To Serve Them.
1.Potential Customer
They are the types of customers that on the very beginning of your business enterprise sales funnel.However you should not ignore them that they already know about your business or services you but rather give a follow up follow up with their customer survey forms and contact form or questions hey asked on business website.
After noticing a potential customer is showing interest from the feedbacks you get,Show them the value of what you have to offer and how beneficial it’s to them.All these will help to make them a potential customer or buyer and on the long run a permanent customer.
2.New Customer
New customer is the fresh customer that just bought something from your business enterprise,organization or you offered a service. He is still learning the ways of using your product. You need to do everything possible to make that adoption process very smooth.
Even though you already made a sale, you can’t leave New customers without any help. If he won’t receive it, he may not find much success with your product. The energy you put into helping New customers will be less valuable compare to the future business he may bring.
After customer buys your product or use your service you need to guide them and show them how to use it to optimum satisfaction.
3.Impulsive Customer
This is the type of customer that can make a buying decision instantly, provided that the conditions in product or services are right.
This kind of customers doesn’t need much convincing to make a purchase. You don’t need to warm up this lead with value proposition too much.
What this kind of customers needs to buy is something clear and easy way to utilize the product or services. The less steps involved, the higher chances that a customer will make a purchase.
Clear the way for a customer like this and get rid of any distraction they may face to make sure you’re not wasting that buying impulse when it comes.
4.Discount Customer
Discount customer is the type of customer that sees value in your product or services but won’t buy it at full price .Upselling your product to a discount customers is nearly impossible.
Such customers usually looking for some extra information on the exact conditions of the deal or discount you are offering. You can help them by explaining the deal and what they needs to do to use it.
Once the deal runs out, it’s hard to keep Them as a customer. If you are offering a service at a discounted price,discount customers will usually leave once the discount stops applying. To increase your chances of keeping Them as a customer, you need to show them that it is not only getting a product at a discount, but also gets amazing customer service bundled with their purchase.
You need to provide added value that will make Discount customers think twice before switching to another company.
5.Loyal Customer
This type of customers keeps coming back for more. Apart from having a significant impact on your business revenue, Loyal customers will always be your brand’s ambassador.
Loyal customers like this help you grow through your business through the word of mouth and referrals.He will recommend your business or product to his friends and family, sending a healthy stream of new customers your way.
You should try to leverage his experience and learn what makes him so satisfied with your business. When you have the chance, ask Your loyal customers which aspect of your product or business they likes the most. Take note and try to replicate that experience so that other customers can become your brand ambassadors.