10 Secrets Every Woman Keeps from Her Man

4. She’ll never tell you exactly how many men she's slept with.

No matter how sincere she appeared when she answered your question, chances are she wasn’t.

As an unscientific guideline, when a woman says she’s slept with four men, the real number is actually closer to seven.

Her fib is partly intentional (she doesn’t want to appear a floozy), but mostly it’s sexual amnesia. When a woman wants to pretend an encounter never occurred, she simply scraps the man from her official score sheet.

Common excuses that lead to such an omission: The actual sex lasted only a few thrusts; or she was drunk or on the rebound.

5. She fantasized about being with you at least a dozen times before it actually happened.

(Wondering what other kinky things she's dreaming about? See how to Turn Her Sex Fantasy into a Reality.)

6. She has Googled your exes.

7. When she's falling in love with you, she completely loses her appetite.

8. Her body really isn’t naturally this hairless and smooth all over.

But she will never allow you to see any indication whatsoever of all the shaving, tweezing, waxing, exfoliating, and moisturizing that gets it this way.

9. She only appears to have it all together.

Her true organization (or lack thereof) is revealed in her closet, her makeup bag, her desk files.

10. She still thinks about her ex-boyfriends and compares them to you.

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